BEEF – Helping Make A Great Cattle Breed Even Better!

B.E.E.F. is now accepting Online Contributions!

2023 JBBA Jr. National Winners
Outstanding Scholarship Recipients

Held in Belton, Tx on July 15-20, 2023

Names from left: Maybree McClure, Faith Martin, Kylie McIntosh (BEEF Liaison), Kolton Brady & Caycen Ratliff.

BEEF Research Project Case Study

Genomic Merit Project
Look at the Genomics, Not the Hide Color

How genetics impact the bottom line to the beef cattle feeder and packer. The newly formed Genetic Merit Project (GMP) Task Force is working with beef cattle leaders to determine the value of genomic selection for the feeder and packing industry. The task force will determine if the hypothesis that the genetic merit of Bos indicus cattle provides carcass quality indicators that the feeder and packer industry can utilize when purchasing these cattle.

The Beefmaster Breeders United, with financial assistance from the Beefmaster Educational Endowment Foundation (BEEF) is a funding partner for the Genetic Merit Pricing Task Force (GMP).

The purpose of the Genetic Merit Pricing task force (GMP) will be an industry-based, voluntary group, temporarily assembled and charged with increasing the use of quantified genetic merit in pricing feeder cattle and calves. GMP will also seek ways to reduce and eventually eliminate the influence of hide color in the commercial feeder cattle and calf markets.

GMP’s purpose will be to identify ways to bring about significant changes in how feeder cattle are priced, in alignment with cattle feeders and other industry participant desires.

The GMP structure will include the best, brightest and most innovative representatives from all segments of the beef supply chain will be sought to populate the task force.

The GMP Task Force has identified some hypothetical outcomes and initiatives that include the following but are not limited.

• Implement a program to educate feedlot buyers on the impact of genetics on closeout performance and carcass results.
• Broad-scale genomic sampling for U.S. cow-calf producers.
• Experiments with packers to demonstrate that genetics impact their bottom line.
• Identify ways to bring additional investment into genomic test development for Bos Indicus-influenced cattle (they lag Bos Taurus tests in accuracy
and availability today).
• Engage Cattle-Fax and/or other livestock researchers to estimate the net economic benefit a genetics-based feeder cattle market would bring to the
beef industry annually.
• Engage multiple university geneticists to estimate how much faster breed progress for economically important traits would take place once the
commercial feeder cattle market actively uses genetics in the price-discovery process.

The GMP will have its first face to face meeting in early November 2023. Current GMP funding partners as of August 2, 2023, are listed below.

American Hereford Association
American International Charolais Association
Santa Gertrudis Breeders International
International Brangus Breeders Association
Allied Genetic Resources/All Beef LLC
American Simmental Association
Neogen Corporation
Beefmaster Breeders United

The GMP has many supporters of the task force and project and those listed below are on-record as of August 2, 2023, supporters.

American Gelbvieh Association
Colorado Cattlemen’s Association
Livestock Marketing Association
North American Limousin Foundation
North American Piedmontese Association
American Shorthorn Association